# Add Plant

Select Plant, to enter the plant list page. Select the type of plant: Residential storage or C&I, click + Add plant, to add a plant.

Here are steps for adding a plant:

Step 1: Fill in the basic information of plant, including plant type, plant name, owner email, plant address, country/region, time zone, PV capacity, and battery capacity. Set whether to enable the DST.



  • After you entered the address, the system will automatically import the country/region and time zone.
  • The DST is selectively displayed according to the zone you set. The zone available to the DST must be in the two conditions: there is no preset DST in the current system and the zone supports the DST settings.
  • PV capacity refers to the sum of capacity of all PV panels.
  • Battery capacity refers to the sum of capacity of all batteries.

Step 2: Add device. You can select to enter a device manually by entering the registration number or import devices in batch in the format of Excel.


[!Note]You must use the device registration number for Manually Add or Batch Import, not SN. For an inverter, the registration number actually refers to its communication module Pocket Dongle's registration number. You find it at the body of the Pocket Dongle.

Step 3: Click Complete, to add a plant successfully. You can view it at the plant list.